ORIYAN! IS MOVING! See details below!

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"I know a great way to make a buck...."

July 03: We've moved! Oriyan is now located at http://jadephoenix.org/oriyan/ so go there is you wanna see today's page! No ads and no more bandwidth problems, thanks to the wonderful Patjade and Isabel Marks! Three cheers for them both!!! Make SURE you go there from now on, though, because this page here's gonna go bye bye. We've also got some new fanart, once again, go to the new site to see it. Ooooh, and my friend Ronald has finally started his comic Plugged Nickel So you'd better check that out, too!

June 30:

We have a FANART PAGE! WOO! Must_have_more!!! I am now addicted. Gimmie my fix, people!!

June 26: Oh, horror of horrors, I have a job... I get to call up complete strangers and ask them to do a survey. So if you get a call from "Celeste, on behalf of Western Research," please be nice and help me earn my paycheck. At least don't swear at me or order a pizza or something like that. Anyway, here's the new page, isn't it lovely? And I also put Thorald on the cast page finally, so you can go read about him. There's not much, but he's not really that special anyway.

June 23: they said BOOBS! Oh my goodness! But no, we don't get to find out what Oriyan is yet. All we get to know is that it's modest. Sort of. And Thorald's gone for now, so don't worry about that. But never fear, he'll be back!!

June 19: Now there's a good reason to kill ANYBODY, as far as I'm concerned. Ugly and annoying. Yes.

June 16: And THAT, my friends is pretty much what Oriyan's gonna look like from now one. It varies, of course, but that's the basic idea. Thorald on the other hand.... Oh well.. Hey, maybe someday Jes'll write something else in her rant area.. who knows!

June 30 2003: "Is that all you have to say? Goodbye, Gustav."

OH my gosh! We have some fanart! I'm so EXCITED! That must mean that people actually read our comic! Not only that....They LIKE our comic! YAAAY!!

I know what ya'll are thinking. "Who is this Jessica person, and what does she do?" Well Celeste and I wrote the comic together, and Celeste is in charge of drawing Chapter 1. *I* am going to draw Chapter 2! I think. It's very difficult for me to draw comics. Celeste's been at it for years, but I...I have never been able to make a comic that was more than 6 pages long. I am going to try my very best....but don't get too excited about the idea. Celeste may end up saving Chapter 2 from me before long. ^^

Site Meter Oriyan! Copyright© 2003 Celeste Smith and Jessica Hymas all rights reserved. So keep your grubby little paws to yourself!