
Oriyan is a joint project. It's written by both me (Celeste,) and Jessica Hymas. I draw it to the best of my abilities. I hope you enjoy it.

If for some strange reason you're interested, here's some info about us.

Celeste Smith: I'm a pathetic college student. My (current) major is Fine Arts with a minor in Computer Programming. I live on sunflower seeds, diet coke and ramen noodles. Once in a while I eat some Cheetos to avoid scurvy... I'm not entirely sure it's working. For fun I like to run around campus with my friends and act like a complete idiot. I collect toy swords and fight with them in public. I yell insulting things in Japanese at people I don't like. I also spend a lot of time playing video games.

Jessica Hymas: I'm also a pathetic college student and Celeste is my roomie!! She's a good roomie, too. I only have to beat her once in a while to get her to clean up her half of the room. Another thing I like about Celeste: She can't whistle. Gaah, I hate whistling. Unless it's in the intro to Wild ARMS. ^^ I really like to draw and eat. Do I do requests? Nope. Commissions? If I feel like it. Art trades? Yeah...But I've gotten screwed several times doing art trades so I'm rather cautious now. People always seem to "forget" to do their half. My major is Fine Arts with an emphasis in illustration.