Human: The most common race, humans are EVERYwhere. If you aren't familiar with them, I'm sorry, but I just don't see the need to write much more about them. Oriyan is an example of this race. |
Iante: In a sense, Iante really are half-elves. They're descended from them, anyway. Half elves rarely found acceptance with humans, and never with elves. They were outcasts in pretty much every society, so the half elves of the Zenan continent began to make their own (yes this was a long time ago). They separated themselves from the rest of the races and devoted most of their time to constructing large cities and studying the lost art of magic. The Iante became such an intelligent and advanced race, that their magic skills greatly surpassed any magic that had previously existed. They became so proficient at the art that they began to construct their own spells. The Iante isolated themselves from the rest of the world, and developed their own language over time. Then, one day, an argument broke out between the leaders of Iante.
The race was soon split into two tribes, who associated very little with one another, until tension led to conflict, and war broke out between them. The entire continent of Zenan suffered from the effects of this magical warfare and was left in a state of desolation afterwards. After the battle was over, very few Iante were left alive. Most of the survivors were sought out and put to death by the people of Zenan out of fear and hate. Iante are only distinguishable from half-elves in appearance by the tribal marks they have on their faces, right under their eyes. The Delthe Tribe has a red tribal mark and the Maske Tribe has a green tribal mark. The marks were always visible in the earlier days of Iante, but after the war was over they began to hide the marks to avoid persecution. The Iante of today can show their marks at will, but usually keep them hidden as a precaution. When an Iante experiences great fear, the marks show on their own. |
Half-Elf: Half-elves are a rare occurrence, and usually not a welcome one. Elven society never admits them, and the world of humans doesn't seem to have a place for them, either. This drives most half-elves to seek out professions of unfavorable status, for why should they work to better a world where acceptance and understanding do not exist for them? Half-elves typically end up being bandits, thieves, assassins or bounty hunters. Their character is nothing like that of an elf. They are more like humans than anything else. |
Elf: The only place you can usually find an elf is in the city. Rich and extremely snobbish, they look down on all other races as beneath them, especially their cousins the delphi. Elves are very sophisticated and spend a great deal of time studying. They take great pride in their knowledge and skills dealing with the arts. They are, on average, shorter than humans, thin and delicate-looking. Elvish skin is very pale, as they don't often go outside for any length of time, if they can help it. Their hair is usually dark. |
Delphi: As they're the ancestral guardians of the forest, that's the only place you can find one.
They're very down-to-earth and have a strange accent...(think Lucky Charms.) They are usually about the same height as humans,
but there's exceptions. Delphi hair comes in many shades... of red. Their skin is naturually dark,
making them all look as though they have healthy tans. Delphi live in forests all over the world, and often refer to themselves as Guardians, though hardly anyone knows what they're talking about. I mean, what's the point of guarding a tree? They hardly ever leave their villages for any length of time. Their education usually consists only of survival skills, such as tracking and hiding in the forest. They get along fine with most other peoples, with the exception of the elves, who hate them. There's many reasons for this hatred, but the most common one is connected to the Delphi marriage practices. When a woman gets married, any children she has are automatically considered to belong to the man she's marrying. Most Delphi women have several children before they get married. So, basically, elves don't like them because they're horny and not properly ashamed of it. |
Andero:Andero inhabit a small region of the Sellas continent. They are rather scarce because of the brutal tribal wars that often wage among them. Andero live in hidden villages in family groups and tribes. Most people live out their lives without even hearing of this reclusive race's existence. Andero are playful and fiercely loyal with their friends and brutal and violent with their enemies. Instead of giving birth to one child at a time, andero women give birth to 5-10 babies at once, and usually have two litters in a lifetime. Andero are fond of loose-fitting, light clothing, and wear as little as they possibly can without risking indecency. |
Kalesk: Kalesk are like elves in that they are usually shorter and frailer than the average human. They are more likely to wield magic than any of the other races, and they are quite good at it, too. They have large mousish ears, long tails, and pink noses. Kalesks have sharp eyesight and they can see in the dark. Their skin color ranges from white to dark gray. Their eyes and hair are always two different colors. Kalesk blood is a blue substance that allows them to regenerate at a rapid rate and it is a main ingredient in healing potions (most people don't know this, however). There are far more female kalesks than males, and although a male kalesk will have nothing to do with a woman unless she is a kalesk, female kalesks are far less picky and often marry humans. |